Release Date
October 12th
No game has had more controversy than EA's Medal of Honor. MOH is a reboot of the series and takes place today during the ongoing War in Afghanistan. Recently EA has decided to take out the Taliban as playable characters in the game after months of criticism and complaints from numerous people and organizations. Gamers will play as Tier 1 Operatives (the bad ass of the bad ass) and fight in the brutal war still going on now. US Army Rangers will also be playable throughout the campaign. MOH will be your typical army-like game with huge explosions, gun fights and vehicle battles. It's multiplayer is being developed by EA DICE the same makers of BattleField Bad Company. EA expects MOH to compete heavily with Modern Warefare 2 and Black Ops as the top army games out now.
I played the beta this summer and it was everything I expected from a "war" type game, fun and non-stop action. If you love the military and are looking for a new FPS pick up MOH.
Opinions? Let me know twitter
or e-mail me at Keith33morris@aol.com
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