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Here is one game that every Star Wars nerd (myself) has been excited for the minute the revel trailer was shown last year. SWFUII continues from the first game further exploring the Star Wars universe taking place seven months after the first game and a year before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
We find our hero Starkiller (who appeared to be dead after the first game) aboard Kamino lost and confused believing he is one of many clones of his original self. His former master Darth Vader explains to him his original self died and he was the only clone left that hadn't gone insane. Vader manipulates his mind and once again trains him in the Jedi arts. The tides turns when Starkiller has a vision of Vader betraying him. He decides he must escape from the Dark Lord and does so by taking his TIE Fighter. Starkiller continues to have memories of his former life. The only problem is, he doesn't remember living them. He now embarks on a journey to find his true identity and his lost love Juno Eclipse (from the first game) who he sees in his visions. Vader realizes Starkiller has left and he hires bounty hunter Boba Fett to find Juno Eclipse (assuming Starkiller is looking for her). Along the way Starkiller will have to battle with his visions, escape the clutches of Fett and the dark side, and figure out who he really is.

The epic journey will take place on foreign and familiar planets, and will even include some big characters in the Star Wars universe. A new fighting style has been designed to let gamers feel a more "realistic" gameplay. The targeting system has also been re-done making it more smooth and precise. Lucas Arts knew the first game was plagued wit bugs and glitches, so that inspired them to make all the new additions and fix the old ones. This go around Starkiller has two lightsabers to dual wield. Players can do more deadly combos and use more force powers such as "mind trick" and "force fury." Starkiller will be a force to be reckoned with during his journey, wiping out every Stormtrooper that comes his way. It'll be interesting to see how the plot pans out; and how the story will tie up the loose ends in the whole Star Wars saga.
If your a Star Wars buff then this is for you. If you like an amazing narrative with intense action then this is also for you and damn if your human THIS IS FOR YOU! There is even a collectors edition for $20 more that includes tons of goodies for you hardcore Star Wars fans (myself). Look for this towards the end of the month.
Check out the newest trailer from SWTFUII, one word. SICK!
Questions? Comments? Let me know on twitter
or e-mail me at Keith33morris@aol.com
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