Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood has been a game cloaked in mystery until recently. Over the past few days, many details have emerged and whew do we have some things to discuss. This isn’t a dlc dressed up in a fancy retail box like ODST. This is a full-fledged meal with an order of online multiplayer on the side. The story picks up right where AC2 left off, with players reprising their role as Ezio who is now a Master Assassin. Instead of romping around Venice, Tuscany and the like, Ezio has decided to take a much needed vacation to Rome and he’s decided to bring his entire Brotherhood along.
Ezio will have tons of fun toys at his disposal that will let you dismember foes with the greatest of ease. The double hidden blades are back and as fierce as ever. Leonardo has even knocked the dust off of his flying machine and fine tuned it to make it more advanced. The city upgrade system makes a comeback as well, although this time Ezio will be spending his hard earned gold to fix the huge city of Rome. Even the addicting platforming levels that yielded the tomb seals from AC2 are back. Toss in 15+ hours of gameplay and you’ve got yourself a sequel of epic proportion.
As if the single player wasn’t enough, Ubisoft wanted to treat us even more with multiplayer! Brotherhood states that players will be able to choose between several different character classes with their own unique killing moves and weapons, and compete with other players in a plethora of different multiplayer modes. Curious as to what you’ll be toting around in this fun filled death game? No problem, Ubisoft’s got your back. A quick visit to their website details a sample of weapons including a dagger, syringe, fan-blade, axe, switchblade hidden blade, and an ARM CLAW. Well I don’t know about the rest of you, but I know I’m sold. The game launches this holiday, but we’ll get more details in the coming weeks as well as at E3.
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