At E3 last year Microsoft showed the world Project Natal and everyone PISSED THEIR PANTS (including myself) as they showed numerous games you can play with their "controller-free" sensor device. Kinda looks like the Wii sensor bar, but on steroids. Natal is an add on for the Xbox 360. It responds to your voice commands, gestures and images you place in front of it. Needless to say this bad boy looks AWESOME. This morning a marketing manager for Microsoft in Saudi Arabia said that Natal was going to be released in October of this year (no specific date was announced). The news was posted in a video on youtube, but the video has since been removed (obviously). Microsoft is set to show the launch titles for Natal at E3 in about a month.
Microsoft's E3 presentation will be on June 13th & June 14th. Along with Natal, it's safe to say that Microsoft will blow us away (at least I hope they do) at E3. Microsoft has not yet announced the price, but hopefully they will in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more information
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