In every Halo game Bungie has blessed us with the ability to crouch and sneak around using the left thumb-stick. Well for mature gamers who take it seriously, they can crouch and not show up on radar as much as they like. For me that glorious click of a button is much more, it's a STATEMENT.
Since my high school days playing Halo 2, I quickly learned that a little push-in of a button could cause someone anger, frustration and hatred towards me. Just walking over to a dead Spartan corps bouncing up and down like a maniac was the most dis-respectful, yet funny thing I could do. Any online gamer who has ran across me in Halo 2, Halo 3, and now Halo Reach has felt my warm armored balls on their unconscious body. I'm talking about the "t-bag" of course. Some say its dump, pointless and straight up immature. Well hell, I couldn't agree more and that's why I LOVE it. I love the spastic "crazy t-bag." You finally kill your enemy who's got you a few times in a row and you celebrate by bagging him as many times as you can until he respawns. Then there's the ever so patient "slow t-bag", that says to your opponent "yeah I OWN you." But most importantly (and my favorite) t-bagging your dead rival non-stop as you bash them with the melee button, while unloading a full clip of bullets. That act of "t-bagging" says **** you n00b get PWNED.
The moment I played the Halo Reach Beta for the first time I clicked in my left thumb-stick to make sure I could still "bag." Needless to say, I'm still in business, and business is'a boo min. I even t-bag another way in Halo Reach that is only possible in Bungie's new title, the Armor-Lock t-bag. Nothing says GET SOME like slamming your armor-lock ability into your victim. Now what is it that "t-bagging" bring out in all of us? Could it be immaturity, violence, or lack of compassion? Possibly, but really all it does is bring out the competitor in all of us. When you get t-bagged what do you do, blow it off and pretend it didn't happen? Or do you seek out every player on the opposite team (especially the one who bagged you) and try and massacre them all. For me I choose the second route. Not only because it's fun bag, but because I LOVE to win. We all do. You don't do anything in life expecting to fail or lose. So if getting t-bagged pisses me off and helps me get a few more kills to lead our team to a victory, then bag me all you like!
Bungie changed video games forever with the ability to do this to opponents. We can expect more shooters to allow us to do this great feature in the future. Thank you Bungie; for the countless memories and moments, and to my fellow gamers, bag away!
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