Not only am I a gamer, but I'm also a huge Star Wars nerd (go figure right). I was a big boy when I was a child and some of my fondest memories are of me smacking the neighborhood kids who made fun of me with my plastic toy lightsabers (yeah I was a little shit head). My favorite was Darth Maul's double-sided "death stick" as my mother called them. Well I'm still a big guy (6 foot 7 to be exact) and I still love Star Wars. So what does this mean? Naturally, I want Lucasarts and Nintendo to work together and create a BAD ASS first person lightsaber game for the Wii using Wii Motion Plus (kinda like Red Steel 2, but more mature).
Lucasarts has been under my skin as of late. I enjoyed the Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic games on Xbox, but they were too much of an RPG for me and BioWare did all the work. All the Lego Star Wars games are fun for like five minutes until you realize just how stupid they are and you wonder why you're even playing it. Star Wars Force Unleashed was the greatest thing since sliced bread when it first came out. I bought it at midnight and beat it in....4 hours. Over a year later I see just how flawed that game was. The idea was amazing, the story was new and creative and there was nothing better than pwning Stormtroopers as Starkiller. That being said, the game had so many technical issues (glitches, sound problems, the controls didn't always work, I could go on for days) it almost seemed like they didn't finish it. This past year Lucasarts and BioWare reveled the new Star Wars Old Republic game for the PC and Mac. The cinematic trailer at E3 was the SICKEST thing I've ever seen, but the game is for PC (WTF?!). Why they would make this game for the computer I'll never understand. Why would I wanna play a game sitting at my computer with a mouse and keyboard when I could be on my couch in front of a huge TV with my controller and headset KICKING ASS and TALKING SHIT!
Recently Lucasarts showed off Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 in a jaw dropping trailer and needless to say it looks awesome. I just hope they can fix all the technical issues and if they do it'll be a great game to say the least. That's about it when it comes to Lucasarts and my interests. I don't even mess with Lego Indiana Jones, or Super Monkey Island or whatever it's called. Lucasarts and Nintendo, come on guys; the time is right, the technology is available and there would be nothing better than an over-the-top first person lightsaber game for the Wii. Red Steel 2 gave you guys a huge stepping stone of how it's done. Now you guys can use their ideas and great example to make a title that would bring all the Star Wars nerds back into video games.
Lucasarts needs a big seller and Nintendo needs a game that will make their *few* hardcore gamers happy. I hope at some point in the near future we'll see a collaboration of these two companies. If not...well I guess I'll have to bust out the plastic lightsabers from the attic.
Hit us up on twitter or E-mail me your thoughts at Keith33Morris@aol.com
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