Well it looks like our superb (FREE) online play with the PS3 could be coming to an end this E3. For months now rumors have come up regarding a subscription for online play on PlayStation 3. But today we get some solid details. Like Microsoft and Xbox 360 who charge a monthly fee for online service, it makes sense for Sony to join in (especially since their financial status last year was awful). This sucks for us gamers, but shit what can we do about it? Be rebellious and not play online, or bend over backwards and pay the money. I guess I'll take it like a champ and pay up.

The service will possibly cost around $70 per year (or around $6 a month, again possibly). This compared to an Xbox Live Gold membership costing $49.99 a year or $7.99 for one month. But reports say that Sony may also give PSN subscription users something else to keep US satisfied. PSN members will be able to download one free game a month (out of a list of 2-4 games). Also members will get free access to a music streaming service that would allow gamers to play their own music while playing games. I just hope Sony gives us a decent list of games, something I'd actually WANT to play.
This is all speculation right now, but if it's true then look for the online service war to continue. Hopefully at E3 we'll have all the official information. Until then, we'll keep you updated
The online war rages on! Who will you side with?

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