Exactly one month ago Microsoft and Epic Games unveiled the third installment of the Gears of War franchise in a breath-taking trailer. Marcus, Dom and the gang are seen fighting the familiar Locust enemy along with the Lambent creatures. Gears 3 takes place 18 months after the end of Gears 2 and will be the end of the trilogy (but end of the franchise, I doubt it). Two new weapons were revealed; a double barrel sawed off shotgun with exceptional power; and the Pendulum Lancer which is the next version of the Chainsaw Lancer. The new lancer has a large knife/blade at the end of it. One big new addition to Gears of War 3 is the series first female character (boooo) Anya. Now she will be fighting with Delta Squad, making them food when their hungry (kidding). Quite possibly the most exciting (and best addition in my opinion) is the new 4-player online multiplayer co-op in the camping mode. Gamers can now along with Marcus and Dominic PWN enemies with fellow squad member Cole and Baird.
One month later (May 12) we get some more good stuff. As you know the fellas and gal are living on an aircraft carrier (Raven's Nest). The group is heavily depended on teamwork because of their out numbering and low chances of survival. With the two new guns (and old) players in co-op can now swap weapons with each other on the fly. This could come in hand when hordes of enemies rush you and your friends. A new enemy that wants to grind your bones will charge at you and explode in a last effort chance to kill you (bastard). That's where the third new weapon comes into play. The "digger launcher" is a weapon that shoots razor-sharped tooth creatures into the ground to seek out and kill anyone against you (that could come in handy). A new mech like robot suit (The Silverback) has been turned into a military killing machine. It is loaded with a rocker launcher and chain gun (one on each arm). On top of that, it can use other weapons in the game as well. A new arcade game mode has also been introduced that includes a number of silly and neat playlists to choose from (big head mode, gravity changing and sound effects).
Clearly Epic is focusing on intense close action for the completion of their outstanding trilogy. Gears of War 3 isn't set to be released until April 5, 2011 so all you fan boys calm down. E3 should show us some more info on everyone's favorite group of guys with chainsaws. Stay tuned for more info.
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